Thursday 6 May 2010

Task 2.1 synopsis

After a long group discussion with my group members we have decided to go with the comedic genre.
Our film is similar to the one we produced for the preliminary task. However the interview in our film plays only a minor role and we focus more on the characters life leading up to the interview.
The story is based around one main character and he is very unlucky in the way his life is.
It begins with our character getting up to go for an interview and it is a very nice day and he is dressed well and has plenty of time. Cheerful music begins.

On the way to the interview he has many lucky things happening to him, such as finding a £50 note on the floor.
Then he walks into the interview and there is a freeze frame over his smiling face and a narration over the top saying "if only my life was this simple."
there is then a rewind and the character enters the room again but instead of being happy and smiling he is late for the interview covered in rain and looking very scruffy. He then says "Thats more like it", the music carries on and the screen fades to black ending the sequence.

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